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Where Did Andy Warhol Go To College?

They say that art is a form of expression and comes from the soul. So technically, artists actually don’t need a degree to create and share artworks. Andy Warhol, one of America’s famous artists and the father of pop art, threw people off track with his ensembles. But what college did he go to? Did he attend college at all?

Andy Warhol went to the Carnegie Institute of Technology (now Carnegie Mellon School of Art) in 1945, where he studied Painting and Design.

The artist made his mark before he died and his works remain iconic to this day. Here’s what we have on Warhol’s educational background.

Which school did Andy Warhol attend?

After graduating high school, Andy Warhol decided to attend the Carnegie Institute of Technology in 1945. The artist learned most of his painting techniques as a college student there.

It’s true that he had his natural artistic nature, but if he hadn’t attended his professors’ classes, he may not have achieved all he did within that period and beyond.

What did Andy Warhol study in college?

Andy Warhol studied at the Carnegie Institute of Technology to study Painting and Design. However, despite his natural artistic talent, the artist didn’t have it easy as a freshman. It wasn’t due to bullying or similar issues

Andy Warhol struggled to impress his professors with his artwork. So in the summer of his freshman year, the artist decided to spend his break at an art workshop. It’s not the usual college student’s summer break.

Andy could have been on the beach admiring the waves or partying it up, as is typical in college life. However, he dedicated his entire summer as a freshman to creating art that would impress his professors. Andy Warhol drew mature women purchasing and selling fruits in South Oakland, where he grew up.

This art piece astonished his professors, and he became one of the best students in the school. Plus, his artwork made it to the school gallery.

He also worked as an editor for the school’s magazine and belonged to the dance club – he was the only male.

The artist picked his signature drawing style — the blotted line technique – from his time in college.

Although Andy Warhol didn’t start off as a star student, he ended up making a mark that would forever go down in history.

Why did Andy Warhol go to college?

Andy Warhol was passionate about passing on the knowledge of art to people, and so intended to enroll at the University of Pittsburgh to study art education.

He wanted to be an art teacher and instill all he knew about art in his students. Maybe that’s why he had so many young and upcoming artists around him at The Factory, his art gallery.

But, the artist seemed to have a change of plans along the way and ended up studying commercial art at the Carnegie Institute of Technology.

Even if it wasn’t his initial plan, it paid off because he worked with major brands like Tiffany and Co. and Dior. Plus, his personal art projects like the Marilyn Monroe series and Campbell’s soup cans turned out to sell for millions of dollars.

Even in death, he’s revered as the pioneer of pop art.

When did Andy Warhol graduate from college?

Andy Warhol graduated from Carnegie Tech in 1949. He studied Painting and Design, majoring in Commercial Art.

The artist opened a studio in New York after graduation and created movies. He helped many actors and actresses get into the limelight, including Edie Sedgwick.

Was Andy Warhol an athlete in college?

Andy Warhol had his fair share of extra-curricular activities. However, he didn’t get into college on an athletic scholarship. In fact, he was not a college athlete. He joined the school’s dance club as the only male member and worked as an editor for the school’s magazine.

How did Andy Warhol die?

Andy Warhol was worth $220 million when he died, most of which came from his success as a commercial artist. However, despite his good name in the media, he had one enemy who decided to end his life.

Valerie had given her script for a movie idea to Andy Warhol, but he misplaced it. She didn’t seem to believe him and thought that he wanted to steal her ideas.

So, she shot him twice, and he was pronounced dead after some time. He recovered but developed gallbladder cancer afterward. Andy Warhol had also developed a fear of hospitals since the assassination attempt. The artist eventually died due to surgery complications.

After his death, the Andy Warhol Foundation and museum inherited over 80% of his estate.
