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The story behind Doug Pederson's ice cream obsession

BLOOMINGTON, Minn. — The football world was turned on its side Wednesday morning when the Eagles Twitter account released this clip about Doug Pederson and ice cream.

Happy Birthday, Coach Pederson! Go get yourself some ice cream.#FlyEaglesFly

— Philadelphia Eagles (@Eagles) January 31, 2018

Obviously, I had to find out more.


Kapadia: What’s the deal with Doug and the ice cream?

Jaylen Watkins: It never fails. We wait for it, and that’s the cue to start the highlight tape. The funny one was [turns to Rasul Douglas] … he don’t like Breyers, bro?

Rasul Douglas: No, he was mad that we didn’t know it was Breyers.

Jaylen Watkins: Oh yeah, he got mad that we didn’t know what kind of ice cream it was. I guess he has a preference. That’s what we have. And he was flipping out because it was a different kind. I was like, ‘OK, he likes ice cream.’

Kapadia: And it’s just vanilla?

Watkins: All vanilla with toppings. No strawberry, no chocolate, but all the different sprinkles and Oreos or whatever he wants.


Kapadia: The Eagles put out the video today about Doug and ice cream. What’s the story there?

Steven Means: I think he loves ice cream, I don’t know. But he gets real excited about it. That’s the last thing you hear him say. ‘See you tomorrow. Treat yourself to some Haagen-Dazs or some ice cream.’ He’s the first guy over there, too, after the meeting.

Kapadia: And he gets mad if it’s not Haagen-Dazs?

Steven Means: One time, I don’t know what type of ice cream they had, but they had the one he don’t like. I think he likes Haagen-Dazs or something like that. They didn’t have it, and he was hot. The next week, he was like, ‘Did you guys notice last week we didn’t have the right ice cream? That’s BS!’ So then the week after that, he was happy we had Haagen-Dazs. He’s been doing it since preseason so we’ve been used to it for awhile now. At first, everybody just laughed. And then every week, it’s the same. He definitely loves his ice cream.’


Kapadia: What’s up with that video of Doug and the ice cream?

Corey Graham: How’d you see it?

Kapadia: The Eagles released it on their social media account.


Corey Graham: They’re dead wrong for doing that. He speaks to us the night before every game, and at the end of every speech, I don’t think he notices it, but he’s like, ‘OK, we’re gonna hurry up and watch this video, and then we’re gonna go get to the ice cream before it gets melted.’ But he says it every time, and I don’t think no one realizes it. But they took a clip from every pre-game speech and put it together to make him look like he’s a fat guy that just wants to eat ice cream all day. But I thought it was pretty funny though.

Kapadia: And he flips out if it’s not Haagen-Dazs?

Corey Graham: Yeah, he’s done that before, like, ‘Oh man, they got the wrong kind. They don’t got the Haagen-Dazs?’ He’s like an ice cream expert, man. I don’t know. I’m not that huge on ice cream. But he’s like an expert. He knows exactly if they’ve got the wrong stuff out there.


Kapadia: What’s the story behind Doug and the ice cream?

Nate Sudfeld: Doug loves him some ice cream, man. He loves ice cream. He loves his donuts. He’s a man who has his process where he has to have his donuts Friday morning. It’s one of those things that gets you going when you have that little part of your process to just break up all the work. So every Friday morning, we have donuts. It’s pretty funny.

Kapadia: What kind does it have to be?

Nate Sudfeld: I know he loves Haagen-Dazs. He wants to make sure it’s the quality Haagen-Dazs for him and the team on Saturday nights. I think it was like serious for awhile, and then he was like, ‘We had some other one last time. That was BS!’ And then we all laughed. Now he realizes it’s pretty funny.

Kapadia: And he has to have his donuts too, you said?

Nate Sudfeld: The first few weeks of the season, I brought in the donuts every Friday. It would really be for the offensive coaches because the quarterbacks would be up there early with offensive coaches. So you’d put ’em in there, and everybody would dabble and get some. But Doug would need his two blueberries and glazed, like whatever he had. And then after Week 6, Carson [Wentz] had bet Trent Miles, one of our assistant coaches, on the North Dakota State-Indiana State game, and the loser would have to bring in donuts from then on. So lucky for me, I was not part of the bet, and I didn’t have to bring in donuts anymore. Trent lost, and so he’s brought in the donuts ever since.



Kapadia: What’s up with Doug and the ice cream?

Kenjon Barner: Doug loves Haagen-Dazs. That’s for sure. After every team meeting at night, on Saturdays, ‘I’ve got some ice cream for you in the other room.’ He loves Haagen-Dazs.

Kapadia: And he’s serious about it?

Kenjon Barner: He’s serious about his ice cream. It was funny, but he’s serious about his ice cream.

Kapadia: There was one time it wasn’t Haagen-Dazs, right?

Kenjon Barner: And he was pissed! He was pissed. I can’t tell you what he said, but he was pissed. I’ll tell you that. He was mad that they switched the ice cream up. What let you know that he’s so much of a fan of Haagen-Dazs, I think he was the only one that realized the flavor wasn’t right the night that we didn’t have Haagen-Dazs. He was pissed about it.


Kapadia: What’s the deal with Doug and the ice cream?

Beau Allen: When we’re on the road, you have your same schedule where you keep it the same every week. You go to the hotel. You have meetings and stuff like that. And at the end of the team meeting every week, we just always have ice cream. So you get a little snack, and all the guys get together and sit around a table and eat some ice cream.

Kapadia: And Doug’s serious about the ice cream, right?

Beau Allen: Ice cream’s a serious thing. There’s no joking involved when it comes to ice cream.

Kapadia: What about the time it wasn’t Haagen-Dazs?

Beau Allen: I think that’s the angriest I’ve ever seen Coach. No, I’m just joking around. We do take the ice cream seriously, though. It is fun when you get the guys together on the road and try to keep it the same. So when the ice cream’s not the same as it is every week, that’s a bad thing.
