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Kim Kardashian Posts High School Throwback Photo And People Are Freaking Out Chicago Chi Chi

Kim Kardashian and Chicago West look so much alike, people are freaking out! On Saturday, Kim shared a high school, throwback photo of herself from the ninth grade and the photo is quickly going viral. As one of Instagram’s most famous influencers, the 39-year-old socialite and mother of four has over 161 million followers. More than three million people have liked the high-school picture that shows Kim with chin-length black hair and flashing her lovely smile. She wore a black polo and her natural beauty was on full display. The comment section blew up with people immediately drawing a likeness to Chicago “Chi Chi” West.

Younger sister, Khloe Kardashian, immediately chimed in by pointing out the comparison.

“Omg!!!!!! You and chi are literal twins!” she exclaimed. Khloe’s comment received more than 17,000 likes from fans who agreed with her.

In addition to those who pointed out how much Kim Kardashian’s two-year-old daughter Chicago looks like her, many remarked about how beautiful Kim looked naturally. Some have suggested that she doesn’t need to have any type of plastic surgery, botox, or fillers because she has great genes and should age naturally.

You may see the high-school throwback photo that Kim Kardashian shared below.

Here is a side-by-side comparison photo of Kim Kardashian West and her two-year-old daughter Chicago West.

Kim Kardashian has been very busy with her four children, her beauty and clothing companies and studying to get her law degree. She still finds time to be a hands-on mom and recently shared photos of herself taking North West to school, as well as spending some time with Chicago in a park where she made friends with a very friendly, large dog.

Kim has stated that Chicago loves dogs and her little mini-me seems to have inherited a loving and gentle disposition. In the photos, Chicago was seen petting the dog and even hugging the gentle creature. In one adorable snap, Chicago was seen giving the dog a kiss on the cheek.

What do you think about Kim Kardashian’s high school, throwback photo? Do you think she looks the same at 39-years-old as she did in the ninth grade?


Do you think Kim Kardashian and Chicago West look like twins?
