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Discoveries And Insights Into Her Life And Career

Daisy Head is an English actress. She is known for her roles as Jessica in the CBBC series Sadie J, as Amy Stevenson in the ITV series Waterloo Road, and as Grace Beauchamp in the Freeform series Shadowhunters.

Head was born in London, England, on March 7, 1991. She is 5 feet 6 inches (1.68 m) tall and weighs 121 pounds (55 kg). She has brown hair and blue eyes. Head is in a relationship with actor Luke Newton.

Head began her acting career in 2008, when she appeared in an episode of the BBC series Holby City. She has since appeared in a number of other television shows, including Doctors, Casualty, and Death in Paradise. In 2014, she made her film debut in the movie The Proxy.

Daisy Head

Daisy Head is an English actress, known for her roles in television series such as Sadie J, Waterloo Road, and Shadowhunters. Here are ten key aspects related to her life and career:

  • Height: 5 feet 6 inches (1.68 m)
  • Weight: 121 pounds (55 kg)
  • Age: 31 years old (as of 2023)
  • Boyfriend: Luke Newton
  • Birthplace: London, England
  • Nationality: British
  • Occupation: Actress
  • Years active: 2008-present
  • Notable roles: Jessica (Sadie J), Amy Stevenson (Waterloo Road), Grace Beauchamp (Shadowhunters)
  • Awards: Nominated for a British Soap Award for Best Actress (2012)

Daisy Head has established herself as a talented and versatile actress, with a wide range of roles to her credit. She is known for her strong performances and her ability to connect with audiences. Head is also active on social media, where she interacts with fans and shares updates on her life and career.


Height is a physical attribute that can influence various aspects of an individual's life, including their career, relationships, and overall well-being. In the context of "daisy head height weight age boyfriend biography," Daisy Head's height of 5 feet 6 inches (1.68 m) may have had an impact on her experiences and opportunities in the entertainment industry.

  • Modeling and Acting: In the fashion and entertainment industries, height can be a significant factor in determining an individual's suitability for certain roles or opportunities. Daisy Head's height falls within the average range for female models and actresses, which may have influenced the types of roles she has been cast in.
  • Physical Activities: Height can also play a role in an individual's physical abilities and athletic performance. Daisy Head's height may have influenced her participation in certain sports or physical activities, as well as her overall fitness and health.
  • Health Considerations: Height can be a factor in certain health conditions and medical treatments. For example, taller individuals may be more susceptible to certain types of injuries or may require different dosages of medication.
  • Social and Cultural Factors: In some cultures and societies, height can be associated with certain stereotypes or expectations. Daisy Head's height may have influenced how she is perceived by others and the types of experiences she has had throughout her life.

Overall, while Daisy Head's height is just one aspect of her identity and experiences, it is a factor that may have influenced various aspects of her life and career. It is important to recognize that height is a diverse and complex attribute, and that individuals of all heights can achieve success and fulfillment in their personal and professional endeavors.


Weight is a physical attribute that can influence various aspects of an individual's life, including their health, self-esteem, and social interactions. In the context of "daisy head height weight age boyfriend biography," Daisy Head's weight of 121 pounds (55 kg) may have had an impact on her experiences and opportunities in the entertainment industry.

  • Health and Fitness: Weight is a key factor in maintaining overall health and well-being. Daisy Head's weight falls within a healthy range for her height and age, which suggests that she is taking care of her physical health.
  • Body Image and Self-Esteem: Weight can have a significant impact on an individual's body image and self-esteem. Daisy Head has spoken openly about her struggles with body image in the past, and her weight may have influenced her experiences in this area.
  • Career Opportunities: In some industries, such as modeling and acting, weight can be a factor in determining an individual's suitability for certain roles or opportunities. Daisy Head's weight may have influenced the types of roles she has been cast in, and it may also have affected her overall career trajectory.
  • Social and Cultural Factors: Weight can be a factor in how an individual is perceived by others and the types of experiences they have throughout their life. Daisy Head's weight may have influenced how she is treated by others, and it may also have affected her experiences in social and romantic relationships.

Overall, while Daisy Head's weight is just one aspect of her identity and experiences, it is a factor that may have influenced various aspects of her life and career. It is important to recognize that weight is a diverse and complex attribute, and that individuals of all weights can achieve success and fulfillment in their personal and professional endeavors.


Age is a significant factor in human development and life experiences. In the context of "daisy head height weight age boyfriend biography," Daisy Head's age of 31 years old (as of 2023) may have had an impact on various aspects of her life and career.

  • Personal Growth and Development: As individuals age, they typically go through various stages of personal growth and development. Daisy Head's age of 31 may indicate that she has reached a point of maturity and self-awareness, which may be reflected in her life choices and career decisions.
  • Career Opportunities: Age can be a factor in determining an individual's career opportunities and trajectory. Daisy Head's age may have influenced the types of roles she has been offered, as well as her overall career path.
  • Social Relationships: Age can play a role in shaping an individual's social relationships and interactions. Daisy Head's age may have influenced the types of relationships she has formed, as well as her overall social experiences.
  • Health and Well-being: Age can be a factor in an individual's overall health and well-being. Daisy Head's age may have influenced her health habits, fitness levels, and overall quality of life.

Overall, while Daisy Head's age is just one aspect of her identity and experiences, it is a factor that may have influenced various aspects of her life and career. It is important to recognize that age is a diverse and complex attribute, and that individuals of all ages can achieve success and fulfillment in their personal and professional endeavors.


Daisy Head is in a relationship with actor Luke Newton. This aspect of her personal life is relevant to her overall biography as it provides insights into her personal relationships and life outside of her professional acting career.

  • Public Interest: The relationship between Daisy Head and Luke Newton has generated public interest and media attention, as both individuals are well-known figures in the entertainment industry. This highlights the fascination with celebrity relationships and the desire to know more about the personal lives of public figures.
  • Relationship Dynamics: The relationship between Head and Newton sheds light on the dynamics of romantic partnerships, including the challenges, compromises, and joys that come with being in a committed relationship. It also provides a glimpse into the ways in which celebrities navigate their personal lives while in the public eye.
  • Career Impact: While Daisy Head's relationship with Luke Newton is primarily a personal matter, it can also have an impact on her professional career. The relationship may influence her choice of roles, public appearances, and overall image as a celebrity.
  • Privacy and Boundaries: The relationship between Head and Newton highlights the importance of privacy and boundaries in the lives of public figures. While they share aspects of their relationship with the public, they also maintain a level of privacy to protect their personal lives from excessive scrutiny or intrusion.

In conclusion, the inclusion of "Boyfriend: Luke Newton" in "daisy head height weight age boyfriend biography" provides a well-rounded view of Daisy Head as an individual and a public figure. It offers insights into her personal life, relationship dynamics, and the interplay between her personal and professional spheres.


The birthplace of an individual, in this case Daisy Head, can provide valuable insights into their life and experiences. London, England, as the birthplace of Daisy Head, holds significance in understanding her cultural background, formative years, and personal identity.

  • Cultural Heritage: London is a multicultural metropolis with a rich history and diverse population. Growing up in London, Daisy Head would have been exposed to a wide range of cultures and influences, shaping her worldview and artistic perspectives.
  • Education and Opportunities: London is renowned for its educational institutions and cultural landmarks. Daisy Head's birthplace provided access to quality education and opportunities in the arts, which may have influenced her decision to pursue an acting career.
  • Social and Interpersonal Influences: London's vibrant social scene and diverse population would have played a role in shaping Daisy Head's social interactions and relationships. These experiences may have influenced her personal growth and development.
  • Accent and Dialect: Daisy Head's birthplace has likely influenced her accent and dialect, which may have implications for her acting roles and the characters she portrays.

In conclusion, Daisy Head's birthplace in London, England, has contributed to her cultural background, personal experiences, and professional opportunities. Understanding the connection between birthplace and biography provides a deeper appreciation of the factors that have shaped her as an individual and an actress.


Daisy Head's nationality as British holds significance in understanding her identity, opportunities, and experiences. British nationality encompasses a unique set of cultural, social, and legal implications that shape an individual's life journey.

  • Cultural Heritage and Identity: British nationality connects Daisy Head to a rich and diverse cultural heritage. It influences her upbringing, values, and perspectives, shaping her artistic expression and creative choices.
  • Legal Rights and Protections: As a British citizen, Daisy Head enjoys certain legal rights and protections. These include the right to vote, access to healthcare, and freedom of speech. These rights empower her as an individual and contribute to her overall well-being.
  • Opportunities and Resources: British nationality provides Daisy Head with access to educational opportunities, healthcare systems, and cultural institutions. These resources support her personal and professional growth, allowing her to pursue her acting career and artistic endeavors.
  • Global Recognition and Influence: British nationality places Daisy Head within a global community. It grants her recognition and influence beyond national borders, facilitating international collaborations and expanding her reach as an actress.

Daisy Head's British nationality is an integral part of her biography. It shapes her cultural identity, legal status, opportunities, and global impact. Understanding this connection deepens our appreciation of her experiences and contributions as an artist and public figure.


The occupation of actress plays a significant role in shaping the life and experiences of Daisy Head, as reflected in her biography. Acting encompasses various aspects that are intricately connected to her personal and professional journey.

  • Artistic Expression and Creativity: As an actress, Daisy Head has the opportunity to express herself creatively and bring diverse characters to life. Her performances showcase her talent, imagination, and ability to embody different personas.
  • Public Recognition and Scrutiny: The acting profession often comes with public recognition and scrutiny. Daisy Head's performances and personal life are subject to media attention and public opinion, which can influence her experiences and career trajectory.
  • Collaboration and Relationships: Acting involves collaboration with directors, fellow actors, and production crews. Daisy Head's relationships and interactions within the industry shape her professional growth, artistic choices, and overall well-being.
  • Personal Growth and Transformation: The process of acting requires self-reflection, emotional depth, and continuous learning. Daisy Head's experiences as an actress contribute to her personal growth, allowing her to explore different perspectives, develop empathy, and gain valuable life lessons.

In conclusion, the occupation of actress is a central part of Daisy Head's biography. It influences her artistic expression, public persona, interpersonal relationships, and personal development. Understanding this connection provides insights into the complexities and rewards of her career as an actress.

Years active

Daisy Head's career as an actress spans over a decade, significantly shaping her life experiences and personal narrative. Her years of dedication to the craft have influenced various aspects of her biography, from her artistic growth to her public persona.

  • Artistic Development and Growth:
    Over the years, Daisy Head has honed her acting skills, taking on diverse roles and showcasing her range and versatility. Her experiences on set and her collaborations with renowned directors and actors have contributed to her artistic development and growth.
  • Professional Accomplishments and Recognition:
    Daisy Head's active years in the industry have brought her professional accomplishments and recognition. Notable roles, critical acclaim, and industry awards have acknowledged her talent and dedication, solidifying her position in the entertainment world.
  • Public Image and Fan Base:
    Daisy Head's years of being active in the public eye have shaped her public image and fan base. Her onscreen presence, social media interactions, and public appearances have influenced how audiences perceive her and connect with her on a personal level.
  • Personal Journey and Life Experiences:
    Daisy Head's career as an actress has intertwined with her personal journey and life experiences. The demands of the industry, the challenges of balancing work and personal life, and the emotional toll of portraying various characters have all contributed to her personal growth and resilience.

In conclusion, Daisy Head's years of being active as an actress have played a significant role in shaping her biography. They have influenced her artistic development, professional accomplishments, public image, and personal journey, ultimately contributing to the rich tapestry of her life as an actress and a public figure.

Notable roles

The notable roles played by Daisy Head in the television series "Sadie J," "Waterloo Road," and "Shadowhunters" hold significance in understanding her biography and career trajectory. These roles have shaped her public image, showcased her acting range, and contributed to her professional growth and recognition.

Daisy Head's portrayal of these characters demonstrates her versatility and ability to embody diverse personalities. Jessica, Amy, and Grace possess distinct backgrounds, motivations, and challenges, which Head has successfully brought to life on screen. Her performances have garnered critical acclaim and resonated with audiences, solidifying her status as a talented actress.

Moreover, these notable roles have influenced Head's public image and fan base. Her performances have made her recognizable to viewers worldwide, and her characters have become synonymous with her name. The popularity of these roles has also led to increased media attention and public scrutiny, which Head has navigated with grace and professionalism.

In conclusion, Daisy Head's notable roles in "Sadie J," "Waterloo Road," and "Shadowhunters" are integral to her biography as they have shaped her acting career, public image, and overall experiences in the entertainment industry. These roles have showcased her talent, versatility, and ability to connect with audiences, contributing to her success as an actress.


The nomination for a British Soap Award for Best Actress in 2012 stands as a significant milestone in Daisy Head's acting career. This recognition not only acknowledges her exceptional talent and dedication but also sheds light on various aspects of her biography and professional journey.

  • Recognition of Talent and Skill:
    The nomination serves as a testament to Daisy Head's remarkable acting abilities. Her portrayal of the character Amy Stevenson in the television series "Waterloo Road" showcased her range, depth, and emotional intensity, impressing both critics and audiences alike.
  • Career Trajectory and Breakthrough:
    The nomination marked a pivotal moment in Head's career, propelling her into the spotlight and paving the way for future opportunities. It recognized her as a rising star with the potential for greatness, subsequently leading to more prominent roles and projects.
  • Public Recognition and Fan Base:
    The nomination brought Daisy Head increased public recognition and a wider fan base. Her performance in "Waterloo Road" resonated with viewers, making her a household name and solidifying her position as a popular and beloved actress.
  • Inspiration and Role Model:
    Head's nomination serves as an inspiration to aspiring actors and actresses. It demonstrates that hard work, dedication, and passion can lead to recognition and success in the competitive entertainment industry.

In conclusion, Daisy Head's nomination for a British Soap Award for Best Actress in 2012 holds significance in her biography as it recognizes her talent, marks a career breakthrough, increases her public recognition, and inspires others to pursue their dreams in the entertainment field.

Frequently Asked Questions about Daisy Head

This section addresses common inquiries and misconceptions surrounding Daisy Head, providing concise and informative answers to enhance understanding of her life and career.

Question 1: What is Daisy Head's height?

Daisy Head stands at 5 feet 6 inches (1.68 m) tall.

Question 2: How old is Daisy Head?

Daisy Head was born on March 7, 1991, making her 31 years old as of 2023.

Question 3: Who is Daisy Head's boyfriend?

Daisy Head is in a relationship with actor Luke Newton.

Question 4: What is Daisy Head's nationality?

Daisy Head is British.

Question 5: What is Daisy Head's occupation?

Daisy Head is an actress.

Question 6: What is Daisy Head's most notable role?

Daisy Head is best known for her roles as Grace Beauchamp in "Shadowhunters," Jessica in "Sadie J," and Amy Stevenson in "Waterloo Road."

These questions and answers provide a comprehensive overview of key aspects of Daisy Head's life and career, addressing common inquiries and clarifying misconceptions.

To learn more about Daisy Head, explore her filmography, interviews, and social media presence for a deeper understanding of her work and personal journey.

Tips for Understanding "daisy head height weight age boyfriend biography"

When exploring information related to "daisy head height weight age boyfriend biography," it is essential to approach the topic with a critical and analytical mindset. Here are some valuable tips to enhance your understanding:

Tip 1: Verify Sources

Ensure the accuracy and credibility of the information you encounter by verifying the sources. Look for reputable websites, articles, or databases that provide reliable and up-to-date content.

Tip 2: Consider Context

Pay attention to the context in which the information is presented. Understand the purpose of the article, website, or social media post to grasp the intended meaning and avoid misinterpretations.

Tip 3: Identify Biases

Be aware of potential biases that may influence the information. Consider the author's perspective, affiliations, or agenda to evaluate the objectivity and reliability of the content.

Tip 4: Cross-Reference Information

Compare information from multiple sources to triangulate the accuracy and completeness of the data. Cross-referencing helps identify consistent patterns and minimize the risk of relying on biased or inaccurate information.

Tip 5: Focus on Relevant Details

Extract the most pertinent details related to "daisy head height weight age boyfriend biography" while filtering out irrelevant or tangential information. This helps you stay focused on the core aspects of the topic.

Tip 6: Seek Expert Opinions

If necessary, consult experts or professionals in the field to gain deeper insights and clarify any complex concepts or technical terms. Their specialized knowledge can provide valuable perspectives.


By applying these tips, you can effectively navigate the information landscape surrounding "daisy head height weight age boyfriend biography." Remember to approach the topic with a critical mindset, verify sources, and consider the context to gain a comprehensive and well-informed understanding.


In exploring "daisy head height weight age boyfriend biography," we have examined the various aspects that contribute to the life and career of actress Daisy Head. Her physical attributes, personal relationships, nationality, occupation, and notable achievements paint a well-rounded picture of her identity and experiences.

Daisy Head's journey serves as a reminder that personal and professional growth are intertwined. Her talent, dedication, and resilience have shaped her path, inspiring others to pursue their dreams. Understanding the complexities of her biography allows us to appreciate her contributions to the entertainment industry and beyond.
