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Can Mike Tyson Sing?

With such a fierce exterior, you would be surprised to hear that Mike Tyson is a man of many talents. 

Not only can he hold his own in a boxing ring, but Mike Tyson can sing – a largely surprising party trick of sorts. The former “baddest man of all time” and highly accomplished boxer does not claim singing as a competitive talent, but his outgoing personality allows him to use his voice when the time is right.

Mike Tyson has used singing to lighten up his guest appearances on late-night talk shows and even in popular movies. You can see a clip of Mike Tyson singing in “The Hangover” below.

The Essence of Unpredictability

Mike Tyson was determined the undisputable heavyweight champion of the world and had a record-breaking number of knockouts in his career as a boxer, and, needless to say, his unpredictability followed him outside the boxing ring. 

As you might remember, Tyson shocked the world when he attempted to domesticate three white bengals, which he maintained as pets for nearly 16 years

 He did it again when he made his appearance in the movie, “The Hangover.” Not only did his tigers appear in the movie, but Tyson’s singing nearly stole the show.

In fact, his appearance in the “The Hangover” led to another (singing-filled) role in the sequel movie, “Hangover 2.”

You can see the clip of Mike Tyson singing “One Night in Bangkok” in “Hangover 2” using the YouTube link below. 

While it is no secret that Tyson is a fan of the spotlight, do not hold your breath waiting for his next record deal. Singing is not a career choice of Tyson’s,  but more of a hobby in the right moments to get the crowd’s attention.

A New Career for Mike Tyson? 

Along with his unpredictability, as demonstrated by his outbursts of singing, Mike Tyson has an engaging personality that makes him an interesting character that keeps us on the edge of our seats. 

Which has us wondering–are movies, like “The Hangover,” a kickstart for a new career for Mike Tyson? 

Unfortunately, the answer is no. Mike Tyson does not seem to be entering the entertainment industry–neither in singing or acting. 

However, he has appeared in several other films and television series as no other character, but Mike Tyson himself. 

Aside from the movie “Tyson,” which was produced in 2008, Mike Tyson has appeared in sixteen credits as an actor, five credits by providing his remarks, three credits as a panelist, and a live appearance on late night talk shows. 

It is no question that his overwhelming presence attracts followers, given his history and bold personality. 

Therefore, rather than starring in a hit TV show or movie or even promoting a singing career, Mike Tyson has turned to using his voice through a new avenue–podcasting. 

Mike Tyson is the co-host of his podcast, “Hotboxin’ with Mike Tyson,” where he generates deep discussions with a variety of interesting people, including celebrities and professional athletes. The goal of this podcast is to change the way other people see the world, through hearing new perspectives that you might not otherwise hear in your daily life. 

You can find the link to Mike Tyson’s Instagram below, which features Mike Tyson and his most recent guests. 

One thing is for sure, Mike Tyson’s tireless work ethic applies to things other than boxing, and it appears he is transforming his career into a new creative outlet…which, unfortunately, does not include singing. 
